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Susan Ireland

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Susan Ireland

Debbie Collard at her desk

Get to the Point!

How to effectively implement “bottom-lining” in your leadership

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Debbie Collard at her desk

Miraculous Winter is Transformative

Winter is the time to rest, and it is essential to do so. Take a clue from nature. Notice the trees and their bare limbs. It looks like nothing is happening, but trees conserve energy through miraculous cellular adjustments. At the same time, their roots gather the soil's nutrients and water to have enough energy to grow buds for new leaves and flowers in the spring. Without the winter, trees would not have the energy to renew themselves.

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Debbie Collard at her desk

Practicing Grace Makes the World Better

I suggest we allow ourselves and others some latitude of grace. We can start by assuming that people have positive intent and are trying their best. I’m not saying we shouldn’t hold people accountable, and I am dismayed when we twist definitions to allow abusive or immoral behavior but to err is human.

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Debbie Collard at her desk

Embrace the Season of Fall

The school calendar has entangled my psyche because despite September being the 9th month of the year, it is always the symbolic transition into a new year. In August, even when the weather is usually hottest in Seattle where I live, I sense the weather shifting as the nights get longer and chillier. I still do my "school shopping," where I get new writing supplies, shoes, and a winter coat. I also feel slightly unsettled because I am not yet clear on what to expect from this symbolic new year.

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Debbie Collard at her desk

Three Mentorship Relationships to Pursue for Success

I believe there are three mentorship relationships you should consider seeking out: experienced, peer and early career. All three will offer you different perspectives and opportunities for growth.

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Debbie Collard at her desk

Nurture Relationships with Mentors to Accelerate Growth

You need a mentor and not just one but several. At Seasons Leadership, we define a mentor as someone with expertise and experience who will share their knowledge, skills, experience, and network to support the mentee further their career and develop capabilities. Good mentoring is done through teaching, sharing insight, ideas and suggestions and making connections within their network. And in this competitive world, good mentoring is not something you can afford to go without.

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Debbie Collard at her desk

Inspiration for the Next Season: RESOLVE

I find that the end of each quarter is a good time to take stock of how I am doing on my resolutions. To re-inspire myself, I re-read my sister-in-law’s new year’s letter that I keep on my desk because I find it so motivating. Kristine Wilson sent this letter to her community to help inspire others to meet their goals. I share, with her permission, with our community to inspire you.

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Debbie Collard at her desk

Prioritizing Authenticity

To demonstrate that we really do practice what we preach, I want to share some of my big rocks and what I have been doing over the past few years to prioritize to hopefully inspire you on your own journey.

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Debbie Collard at her desk

Recognizing ‘Monkey Business’ Helps Defining Work Boundaries

Do you feel like you need to take on extra work dumped on you by colleagues who seem either helpless or entitled? This inequitable work transfer is a common theme Seasons Leadership Co-Founders Susan Ireland and Debbie Collard hear about from their coaching clients. Susan shares tips on how to get that monkey off your back.

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