Welcome to our blog for Seasons Leadership Program. It’s called Seasons Almanac because we are all about the natural cyclical rhythm of the four Seasons. Just like the Farmers’ Almanac has been providing guidance in its continuous annual publication since 1818, we will use the Seasons Almanac to guide us, and have some fun along the way.
The Spring focus is “Awaken.” Our participants awaken to new energy and creativity, elevate their thinking, get inspired to explore possibilities, clarify their vision and start planning for achieving that vision.
The focus for Summer shifts to “Cultivate.” Summer is where our participants cultivate and fertilize a knowledge of self, including personal image, leadership business practices, competencies, and energy leadership; acting on new knowledge and weeding out what no longer serves them.
Fall is all about integration in the seasons program. Leaders work to “Integrate” their insights and knowledge, check the results, and build confidence in their leadership, personal brand, business practices and skills.
Winter focuses on transformation. Leaders “Transform” through the program and are able to stand confidently in their leadership presence, make decisions and commitments based on clear vision, and take actions that are integrated and aligned to their values.
Awaken, Cultivate, Integrate, and Transform; this continuous cycle enables leaders to live into their full potential by providing them with insights, learning, best practices, tools, and community support.
The Seasons Almanac is one of the tools in the toolbox of leadership development in the Seasons Leadership Program. Just like its inspiration, “Farmers’ Almanac,” which provides helpful information for farmers such as weather predictions, calendars, and relevant articles, this Seasons Almanac will provide helpful information for leaders looking to improve their leadership capabilities.
We hope you will find the information in this blog useful to you as a leader and subscribe so you don’t miss one post.

Welcome to the Almanac
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Build your leadership on a strong foundation of knowledge
Excellent leaders make sure their actions are built on a solid foundation so decisions and actions can be taken with confidence. Learn the four pillars of foundational knowledge to remember and take action today to build your foundation.
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Strong leaders assert agency
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